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Welcome to Sourc 'N' Proc where we deliver all of your sourcing and procurement requirements.

We service the local uk market as well as the International market.

Groupage Services 

Exports to Southern Africa

UK delivery address services


Are you a business sourcing products from multiple suppliers in the UK? We can help reduce your cost of shipping using our Groupage service. Contact us for a bespoke service to cover your needs.


It can be a challenge for businesses to procure products from a country that they do not have presence in, moreso when this is done on the second hand market. Sourc ’N’ Proc is there to partner with you and ease out the pain points for your business. Please contact us with your requirements.

UK Address

It is not uncommon for some businesses to deal with UK customers only which can be frustrating if that is the only Vendor with currents stock of a product you require. Why not Partner with Sourc ’N’ Proc to facilitate your purchases for you? Please contact us with your requirement using the form below.

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